Thursday, August 30, 2012

NEA is helping Cashew Heights solve its rat problem

Help is on its way to get rid of the rats threatening the health of Cashew Heights residents.

The National Environment Agency has said it will show the management of Cashew Heights what to do to eliminate the rats.

It said the first thing that needs to be done is to catch some of them to ascertain that they are indeed rats and not garden shrews.

Shrews can be recognized by their pointed heads.

Once it has been established that the rodents running around Cashew Heights are rats, the NEA will tell the MC what to do and help it to implement the necessary measures.

The NEA wants evidence of the rats' existence even though the MC of Cashew Heights has already confirmed that the rodents are indeed rats.

In the minutes of its meeting in July, the MC stated that the rat population in Cashew Heights has increased.

3.6    Pest Control MA reported that the estate rat population is still increasing, especially around the Pool, BBQ and Restaurant areas. MA will need to get rid of their food source and poison them actively.
Pest Control contractor has been instructed to put rat poison in the bin cute (sic) areas and to seek and introduce rat poison into the rat barrels (sic), to monitor and destroy the rat barrels (sic).
extract from minutes of MC meeting on 23 July 2012

 Even though the problem has worsened, the MC has yet to inform residents about it by issuing the notice it had promised in its previous meeting.  The least the MC can do is to tell residents that there is a problem, that steps are being taken to solve it and what they can do to minimize the threat to their health.

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