Since new clothes are a must for the Chinese New Year, it's time to get rid of the old.
Colour coordination is vital to a fashionable wardrobe.
For Cashew Heights residents, that first rule of fashion applies even to what they throw out.
White is not an auspicious colour for the New Year.
That's as good a reason as any to say good-bye.
What could be more inauspicious than white?
How about white and old.
So out it goes.
Since their old clothes are gone, Cashew Heights residents find that their old hangers have also lost their shine.
The once cheery yellow is no longer good as gold.

With their old things gone, Cashew Heights residents are making sure their new clothes are kept clean and neat for the coming holiday.
They are well aware that any wardrobe malfunction could bring them down a peg or two in the fashion stakes.

I've never been humoured by garbage... until today. Good work! :)
Keep up the blog please! Great idea to let all of us know how easy it is to throw stuff away (like the trash bins aren't close enough?)
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