Friday, August 9, 2013


See the pizza box?

I hope the person who dumped it on the floor gets his or her arteries all clogged up by the cholesterol, fat and salt from the pizza.

May that person never, ever eat anything better than foul fast food.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Even Rats are Cleaner than some Cashew Heights Residents

I wonder who are the people who keep doing this over and over again.

Do they not realize that they are turning their own home into a rubbish dump when they litter?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

This is one reason there are rats in Cashew Heights

I took these photos one evening when I walked around Cashew Heights.

It makes me wonder what it would take to get residents to dispose of their rubbish properly.

Just before I took this photo, a woman walked up from the car park and dumped an empty drink packet on the top of the bin even though it was already overflowing. So why couldn't she have taken the packet back to her flat to throw it down the rubbish chute instead of contributing to this mess?
See the legs in this picture? They belong to a woman who was about to dump some boxes next to the bin. She retreated and went into the lift when she saw me.
Couldn't the stuff on top be taken home to be thrown into the rubbish chute?
Well, what can I say. Did some idiot just drop this unknowingly?
At least this litterbug is kind of neat! LOL
So the rubbish is bagged. Why not throw it into the bin?
If the boxes can't fit into the rubbish chute then take them to the bin centre at the side! Some people are so lazy and inconsiderate they can't walk a few more steps.