Thursday, November 30, 2006

Game, Set and Match

Some Cashew Heights residents love to play sport.

Tennis is their favourite game.

They hit so hard they use up a lot of tennis balls.

They might not score as many aces as the "Federer Express".

But they sure can hit a long, long way.

All that exertion can give the Cashew players a big thirst.

After their game, some prefer to cool down with an ice lolly or two.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

You Bet

Some residents of Cashew Heights are all excited about the casinos...sorry, integrated resorts...that will soon be built in Singapore.

And they are not afraid to show their hand.

The, sorry again - integrated resorts...are going to be rather swish.

Not to worry.

The Cashew high rollers will fit right in with their elegant ways.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Snack Attack

Some residents of Cashew Heights are very fond of snacks.

The lawn is their favourite place to go on a snack attack.

Some residents are rather sweet.

They like to share their candy with their neighbours.

Then there are those who prefer their snacks in plastic tubes.

Whatever their preferences, Cashew Heights residents always take care to clean up with tissue after they've had their fill.

Monday, November 27, 2006


It's the flu season and some Cashew Heights residents have caught the bug.

Being the civic minded people they are, they always sneeze and blow their noses into some tissue.

Then they toss that out their windows to remind their neighbours to cover their mouths and noses when they sneeze.

The flu is not so good for the appetite.

Goodbye lunch!

Though they don't feel like eating, they can't just starve.

Cheese Balls to the rescue!

Then, they are off to the in-house "stream" for some cool, clear "spring" water to quench their thirst.

The flu is not their only disease.

Some Cashew Heights residents have caught the travel bug.

They hope that one day, their paper dreams of air travel would come true.

For some residents, air travel is no big deal.

They have taken a little trip to France.

They even have a bag from Canal+ Technologies as evidence of how far they have been.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Have a Drink

Many residents of Cashew Heights love to drink by the pool.

They like to let their neighbours know that they prefer imported beer.

They are also fans of fast food restaurants.

The big M is much loved, not just for its burgers.

Its cups can be used to nourish the earth as they disintegrate over the next few hundred years or so.

Some residents are health conscious.

They like to soothe their throats with chrysanthemum.

Then there are those who have a fondness for candy.

Apple tea and sweets anyone?

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Smoke Gets In their Eyes

Many residents of Cashew Heights like to smoke by the pool and in their apartments.

The smoke from their cigarettes gets in their eyes so much that they can't see their way to the dustbins.

No matter.

All they have to do is toss their empty cigarette packets out their windows or flip them onto the pool deck.

It's A Dog's World

Many residents of Cashew Heights think that the condominium is a communal toilet for their dogs.

They allow their pets to pass motion all over the grounds of the housing estate.

But they don't pick up after their dogs.

This big pile was found on a path leading to the swimming pool.

Some dog owners are more friendly to the environment.

They allow their dogs to "fertilise" the lawn.

Sometimes, big blobs like these can be found in the swimming pool.

It could be that like their dogs, the pet owners like to move their bowels in public too.

That wouldn't be too surprising since some residents treat the swimming pool as their personal spittoon.

Swim, spit, shit.

It's a dog's world.